苗 菊


苗  菊

研究方向:当代西方翻译理论   应用翻译研究

在专业领域期刊发表学术论文20余篇,出版个人专著2部,编著1部,具有理论基础和前沿探索。多篇论文以独特视角和建树而著称,对理论研究和社会实践具有重要指导意义。 2002年获南开大学翻译学博士学位


Dr. Miao, Ju, professor with a master’s degree in applied linguistics and a doctor’s degree in translation studies, has been working on pedagogy and translation theory and practice. She has been engaged in teaching for 23 years and has an experience of working as an interpreter and translator. She has a particular interest in contemporary western translation theories and the empirical studies of translation, which has contributed to her monograph—Investigations of the Translation Process and the Translator. She has completed her post-doctoral research—On the Development of Translation Competence through Translation Instruction in Indiana University. She has written and published 13 articles of which 5 are published in core journals and 1 in the international journal: Perspectives: Studies in Translotology. She participated in the edition and translation tasks of 4 books and 1 dictionary.